Seduction and hardcore sex with wife’s desi friend in US – Part I

Hello guys! I’m a regular reader of FSI sex stories and this following story is my true hardcore sex experience with my wife’s desi friend Seema. So here it goes. Busy with the upcoming transition project I was not in my senses to think for anything else apart from work. The criticality of the work didn’t actually give me a breathing space, even during weekends. I was working 14 Hours a day in the office and was targeting to complete this task by this Friday. Post which I had a plan to take a week long break and do absolutely nothing but just relax. Being a single soul away from the family and a workaholic I had ruined the entertainment from my life for the last 4 months. That’s the formula to keep my clients happy and to prove my worthiness to my company.. That yes I am the right candidate to be put up at onsite (Client’s location) in New York to manage critical projects like these.
Just while I got my leaves approved in the system… the cell phone popped up a message. It was my wife (back in India) who informed me that her darling friend Seema was visiting the US for some official purpose and I had to be the host while she was here….
It was God who got my leaves approved coz I had to serve this bitch in US. I hated to do that, not because I had to take her around places but I wanted to spend some me time after this slogging at office. I was sure this holiday was wasted but I couldn’t say no to my wife. After all Seema is my wife’s best friend, she had been working with my wife for the last 3 years. She also knows me very well and we do bond like family while I was in Mumbai. It’s good to know I will get to meet someone from my own motherland, but it was not the time I had set for. Never-the-less I planned my day accordingly so that I will get good time to chill out and yet entertain Seema till the time she was here.
Seema and my wife works for a good Financial Giant who has a stronger base in this part of the planet. I too work for a similar entity but more in to IT and managing projects… well that’s all.
The week passed just like previous ones but one good news was my project had ended. I was more relaxed and ever before and also keen to go on a holiday. Seema had already shared her flight and other itinerary with me, so I knew I had to pick her up coming Saturday by noon.
Waiting at the JFK airport I was talking to my wife (over the phone) informing that I am on her friend’s duty from today…. And there she is… Seema walking with a mid-sized trolley bag and a hand bag which carried stuffs for her on this 15 days trail. I greeted Seema with a casual hug and a handshake. She looked slimmer than I saw her last in India. While I was putting her baggage in my car I just complemented her on her new reduced size to which Seema smiled and hit me on my shoulder saying looks like the scanner (my eyes) is on and working for you all day long…
I laughed and said well I like to appreciate your efforts… that’s it. This was normal for us as we had flirty talks even while we were in India. But it was more liberal here for sure with no one around to see us miles away from our motherland.
I checked with Seema that where is she put up for the visit, so that I can drop her to the hotel and drive back home. To my surprise Seema was staying in a hotel which is just a lane away from my house so meeting daily was not a problem for us.
I dropped Seema at her hotel and invite her for dinner tonight.. She smiled and accepted it… saying:
Seema: Thanks Viren! For picking me up and dropping me at the hotel. Without you, It wouldn’t be so easy to reach destinations in the foreign land..
Me: Oh Seema its my pleasure..! You are my friend.. and I am happy to be there for you anytime. Here is my local no.. xxxxxxxx Please connect whenever you want me…
I should see you at 6:00 PM today.. Is it fine with you.. Have a good sleep, freshen up and I will catch up later…
Seema: Sure Viren, bye darling…
I drove back to my place… had lunch and just relaxed, watched a movie, slept that’s it.. I was on a vacation…
Before I could realize, it was already 6:15 in the evening. I got up when Seema called me up.. I told her I will come to pick her up in the next 20 mins.
I got ready, walked to Seema’s hotel, met her and got her back to my house. It was a 10 mins walk. She was enjoying the weather being a first timer to the US. We spoke general Stuffs…
Later I showed Seema my house, It was pretty big compared to what we have in Mumbai. I had already planned to call my family here in the next two months. Hence I had moved to a bigger one already. Seema liked my house and made herself comfortable.
I asked her what she will have for dinner… She was amazed to know I will be cooking tonite… She couldn’t believe it
as I never did so in Mumbai. But time makes the man brave as they say…
I prepared a pizza, Seema also helped me in the kitchen. The soft music and the lights in my house made the mood perfect for a dinner with a friend… I too was enjoying being with Seema. After all spending time with someone and having dinner together is a big thing for me which happened after four months of staying away from home.
Seema and I had our share of drinks and food along with it. The weather outside was freezing by the night and Seema started sensing the coldness. She can’t sleep with me for sure as we never thought of this till now. I drove to Seema’s hotel dropped her. She invited me to her room to spend some time. I followed her…
To be continued…
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Stay tuned for part II